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How to Download and Use Instant Article Wizard 3.21 Crack Version for Free

Instant Article Wizard 3.21 Crack Download: How to Create Quality Articles on Any Subject in Minutes

If you are looking for a way to create quality articles on any subject in minutes, you might want to try Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version. This is a software that helps you research and write articles on any topic, without having to spend hours or days on it. In this article, you will learn what Instant Article Wizard is, why you need it, how to download and install it, how to use it, and how to make your articles unique, SEO-optimized, and human-written with it.

instant article wizard 3.21 crack download

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What is Instant Article Wizard and why do you need it?

Instant Article Wizard is a software that helps you research and write articles on any topic

Instant Article Wizard is a software that allows you to create high-quality articles on any subject in minutes. It does this by searching the web for relevant information based on your keywords, and presenting it to you in an organized way. You can then edit, rewrite, or rearrange the content as you wish, using the built-in tools and features. You can also add images, videos, links, or other elements to make your articles more engaging and attractive.

You need Instant Article Wizard if you want to save time, money, and effort in creating unique and engaging content for your website or blog

If you are a website owner, blogger, marketer, or content creator, you know how important it is to have fresh and original content for your audience. However, creating content can be time-consuming, expensive, and exhausting. You have to research the topic, find reliable sources, write the article, check for grammar and spelling errors, optimize it for SEO, etc. This can take hours or even days of your precious time.

That's why you need Instant Article Wizard. With this software, you can create quality articles on any subject in minutes. You don't have to worry about researching the topic, finding sources, writing the article, checking for errors, optimizing it for SEO, etc. You just have to enter your keywords and let Instant Article Wizard do the work for you. You can save time, money, and effort in creating unique and engaging content for your website or blog.

How to download and install Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version

You can download Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version from this link

If you want to try Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version, you can download it from this link: Instant Article Wizard 3.21 Crack Download. This is a safe and secure download link that will give you access to the full version of the software, without any limitations or restrictions. You will also get a license key that will allow you to register your copy and use it for as long as you want.

You need to have Microsoft's .NET Framework version 3.5 installed on your computer

Before you install Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version, you need to make sure that you have Microsoft's .NET Framework version 3.5 installed on your computer. This is a software framework that is required for running applications developed using .NET technologies. If you don't have it, you can download it from this link: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. This is a free and easy-to-install software that will enable you to run Instant Article Wizard and other .NET applications on your computer.

You need to register your copy with the license key provided in the download file

After you download and install Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version, you need to register your copy with the license key provided in the download file. This is a simple and quick process that will activate your software and allow you to use all its features and functions. To register your copy, follow these steps:

  • Open Instant Article Wizard and click on the "Register" button on the top right corner of the screen.

  • Enter your name and email address in the fields provided.

  • Enter the license key that you will find in the download file in the field labeled "License Key".

  • Click on the "Register" button and wait for the confirmation message.

  • Enjoy using Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version!

How to use Instant Article Wizard to create articles on any subject in minutes

You can choose from different research sources, such as Google, Bing, ArticlesBase, Google Tips, etc.

One of the best features of Instant Article Wizard is that it allows you to choose from different research sources, such as Google, Bing, ArticlesBase, Google Tips, etc. This means that you can get information from various websites and databases that are relevant to your topic and keywords. You can also customize the research sources according to your preferences and needs. To choose your research sources, follow these steps:

  • Open Instant Article Wizard and click on the "Research Sources" tab on the top left corner of the screen.

  • Select the research sources that you want to use from the list provided. You can also add or remove research sources by clicking on the "+" or "-" buttons.

  • Click on the "Save" button to save your settings.

You can enter your main keyword or keywords and let Instant Article Wizard find relevant information for you

The next step is to enter your main keyword or keywords and let Instant Article Wizard find relevant information for you. This is how you can start creating your article on any subject in minutes. To enter your keywords and start researching, follow these steps:

  • Open Instant Article Wizard and click on the "New Project" button on the top left corner of the screen.

  • Enter your main keyword or keywords in the field labeled "Main Keyword". You can also enter secondary keywords or phrases in the fields below.

  • Click on the "Start Researching" button and wait for Instant Article Wizard to find information related to your keywords.

  • Browse through the results and select the ones that you want to use for your article. You can also filter the results by relevance, quality, or source.

You can edit, rewrite, or rearrange the content as you wish, using the built-in tools and features

The final step is to edit, rewrite, or rearrange the content as you wish, using the built-in tools and features of Instant Article Wizard. This is how you can make your article unique, engaging, and human-written. To edit your content , follow these steps:

  • Open Instant Article Wizard and click on the "Article" tab on the top left corner of the screen.

  • Review the content that Instant Article Wizard has generated for you based on your keywords and selected information.

Edit, rewrite, or rearrange the content as you wish, using the built-in tools and features, such as:

  • The "Edit" tool, which allows you to modify the text, add or remove sentences, paragraphs, or sections, etc.

  • The "Rewrite" tool, which allows you to rewrite the text using different words, phrases, or sentences, without changing the meaning or context.

  • The "Rearrange" tool, which allows you to move the sentences, paragraphs, or sections around to create a better flow and structure for your article.

  • Add images, videos, links, or other elements to your article using the "Insert" tool. You can also use the "Table" tool to create a table with data or information related to your topic.

  • Check your article for grammar and spelling errors using the "Spell Check" tool. You can also use the "Word Count" tool to see how many words your article has.

How to make your articles unique, SEO-optimized, and human-written with Instant Article Wizard

You can use the Copyscape feature to check for duplicate content and avoid plagiarism

One of the most important things to consider when creating articles is to make sure that they are unique and original. You don't want to copy or plagiarize content from other sources, as this can harm your reputation and ranking. That's why Instant Article Wizard has a Copyscape feature that allows you to check for duplicate content and avoid plagiarism. To use the Copyscape feature, follow these steps:

  • Open Instant Article Wizard and click on the "Copyscape" button on the top right corner of the screen.

  • Enter your Copyscape username and password in the fields provided. If you don't have a Copyscape account, you can create one from this link: Copyscape.

  • Click on the "Check" button and wait for Instant Article Wizard to scan your article for duplicate content.

  • Review the results and see if there are any matches or similarities with other sources. If there are, you can edit or rewrite your article accordingly.

You can use the Identify Synonyms feature to replace common words with synonyms and make your articles more diverse and natural

Another way to make your articles unique and human-written is to use the Identify Synonyms feature of Instant Article Wizard. This feature allows you to replace common words with synonyms and make your articles more diverse and natural. This can also help you improve your SEO by using different keywords and phrases that are relevant to your topic. To use the Identify Synonyms feature, follow these steps:

  • Open Instant Article Wizard and click on the "Identify Synonyms" button on the top right corner of the screen.

  • Select the words that you want to replace with synonyms from the list provided. You can also select all words by clicking on the "Select All" button.

  • Click on the "Replace" button and wait for Instant Article Wizard to replace the selected words with synonyms.

  • Review the changes and see if they make sense and fit well with your article. If not, you can undo them by clicking on the "Undo" button.

You can use the Text to Speech, Video, or Translation features to create different formats of your articles and reach more audiences

Finally, you can use the Text to Speech, Video, or Translation features of Instant Article Wizard to create different formats of your articles and reach more audiences. These features allow you to convert your articles into audio files, video files, or different languages that can appeal to different types of readers and viewers. To use these features, follow these steps:

  • Open Instant Article Wizard and click on the "Text to Speech", "Video", or "Translation" buttons on the top right corner of the screen.

Select the options that you want to use for each feature, such as:

  • The language, voice, speed, and volume for Text to Speech.

  • The template, background music, images, transitions, and effects for Video.

  • The language pair and quality for Translation.

  • Click on the "Create" button and wait for Instant Article Wizard to create the file that you want.

  • Download, save, or share the file as you wish.


Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version is a powerful and easy-to-use software that can help you create quality articles on any subject in minutes. You can download and install it from this link and start creating content for your website or blog today. You can also use the Copyscape, Identify Synonyms, Text to Speech, Video, or Translation features to make your articles unique, SEO-optimized, and human-written. Instant Article Wizard is the ultimate solution for content creation and marketing.


What are the benefits of using Instant Article Wizard?

Some of the benefits of using Instant Article Wizard are:

  • You can save time, money, and effort in creating content for your website or blog.

  • You can create quality articles on any subject in minutes, without having to do extensive research or writing.

  • You can make your articles unique, engaging, and human-written, using the built-in tools and features.

  • You can improve your SEO and ranking by using different keywords and phrases that are relevant to your topic.

  • You can reach more audiences by creating different formats of your articles, such as audio, video, or translation.

How much does Instant Article Wizard cost?

Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version is free to download and use. However, if you want to support the developers and get access to future updates and features, you can purchase the official version from this link: Instant Article Wizard Official Website. The official version costs $47 per year or $7 for a 7-day trial.

How many credits do I need to use Instant Article Wizard?

You don't need any credits to use Instant Article Wizard 3.21 crack version. You can use it as much as you want, without any limitations or restrictions. However, if you use the official version, you will need credits to use some of the features, such as Copyscape, Text to Speech, Video, or Translation. You can buy credits from this link: Instant Article Wizard Credits. The price of credits varies depending on the feature and the amount that you need.

What are the system requirements for Instant Article Wizard?

The system requirements for Instant Article Wizard are:

  • A Windows PC with Windows XP or higher.

  • Microsoft's .NET Framework version 3.5 installed on your computer.

  • An internet connection.

How can I contact the support team of Instant Article Wizard?

If you have any questions, issues, or feedback regarding Instant Article Wizard, you can contact the support team by sending an email to this address: You can also visit the support page from this link: Instant Article Wizard Support Page. The support team is friendly and responsive and will help you with any problem that you might have. dcd2dc6462


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